
Tree Planting at McGeachie Conservation Area

Thank you to the Bancroft Area Stewardship Council, The Scouts, local volunteers and North Hastings Community Integration Association who planted 500 White Pine trees at the McGeachie Conservation Area on May 11th. You continued support of this beautiful spot is greatly appreciated!

For more information check out this article from the Bancroft Times News Paper!


Water Conditions Statement – Water Safety

Crowe Valley Conservation Authority has issued a Water Conditions Statement – Water Safety effective April 12, 2024.


CVCA is Hiring Summer Students

CVCA is currently looking for two motivated summer students.

Assistant Water Resource Technician Position



Public Open Houses:

CVCA is holding two open houses for the public to learn and ask questions about new floodplain mapping projects nearing completion. The study areas include Chandos Lake and various sections of the main channel of the Crowe River. The public are welcome to drop in anytime during the listed hours. An interactive map viewer will be set up for the public to see if the floodplain is located on a specific property. We look forward to seeing you there!

CVCA Office Closure

CVCA Administrative Office will be closed for the holidays from December 25 – January 2, 2024.  Happy Holidays to all.

CVCA Management

CVCA Review of Fee Schedules – 10 November 2023

At the 16 November 2023 Full Authority Board meeting the CVCA Fee schedules will be reviewed by the Board.  The fee schedules that will be reviewed include:

  • Planning Fee Schedule
  • Regulations Fee Schedule
  • Hunting Lease Agreements
  • McGeachie Cottage Rental Rates

The proposed amendments are available on the Full Authority Agenda for 16 November 2023.


CVCA Management

McGeachie Trails Update – December 21, 2023

CVCA staff are pleased to announce the McGeachie trail system is now open to the public.  Thank you for your patience as CVCA staff worked hard to clear the trails.