
Crowe Valley Conservation Authority has in effect the Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (Ontario Regulation 041/24) made under the Conservation Authorities Act. This regulation prevents or restricts development and site alterations near water and wetlands to protect you and the public from flooding, erosion and other hazards.

The purpose of the regulation is to protect public safety, property and the environment. This is accomplished by requiring approval through permits for work that could impact or be impacted by natural hazards.

Natural hazards are processes such as flooding and erosion that could be worsened if development (buildings and structures) and site alterations (i.e. filling, excavating and grading) are not conducted in a manner that accounts for potential impacts. The CVCA’s review process under the regulation ensures that no negative or long-term impacts will result from work within the watershed.